Board Positions


The Alpine Club of Canada, Calgary Section, has 18 members on its board (14 voting, 4 non-voting). A summary of the positions are listed in the table below.

The function of the Board is outlined in the Calgary Section by-laws .

Board Meetings

The Board of Directors of the Calgary Section meet on the first Tuesday of each month, except July and August – others can attend by invitation only. The Monthly Section Meeting is held on the second Wednesday of the month and is open to members of the Alpine Club of Canada as well as the general public. In the summer there is no Section meeting in July and a BBQ is held in place of the August meeting.

Summary of Board Positions

PositionStatusPrimary Responsibilities

  • Attends all section and executive meetings.
  • Overall responsibility for ALL SECTION ACTIVITIES. Acts as a liaison with the various committees, and the Chair of each committee.
  • Sits on all committees, ex-officio.
  • Chairs monthly section and executive meetings. This includes preparation of the agenda, and attention to normal meeting procedures.
  • Acts as a liaison with the National Club Office and ACC Sections. The Chair acts as the Calgary Section Board Representative unless another executive member takes on that role.
  • Is the section's representative to the general public, and the mountaineering community. Strives to enhance the section's reputation within this community.
  • One of the signatories on section financial documents.
  • Presents a report to all those in attendance at each Section, Executive and Annual General Meeting. Provides input to the membership through the Facebook page and the Breeze weekly newsletter and monthly meetings.
  • Is responsible for ensuring the maintenance of the section records and archives, and for maintenance and updating of the Section Policy and Procedures Manual.
  • Maintains records of volunteer activity for purposes of recognition.
  • Responsible for initiating and coordinating the section's short and long term planning.
  • Checks the Calgary Section post box regularly and distributes the mail accordingly. (P.O. Box 1995, Station 'M', Calgary, Alberta).
  • Gathers reports from each executive member and writes a Calgary Section Report for the National Board Meetings held in May and October of each year.
  • Prepares a written summary of each of the National Board Meeting, which is presented to the membership at the next section meeting.
  • Reviews the Minutes of the National Executive Meeting, prepares a summary which is presented to the membership at the next section meeting. This responsibility may be delegated to other members of the executive.
  • Maintains copies of the National Board Meeting Minutes, National AGM Minutes and the National Executive Minutes and brings these to the section meetings so that they are available for review by the membership.
  • Writes a letter to trip leaders (generally in April and November), which forms part of the Summer and Winter Schedules.

  • Attends all section and executive meetings.
  • Learns the duties of the Chair and acts on his/her behalf when he/she is absent or when called upon to do so by the Chair.
  • Acts as one of the signatories on section financial documents.
  • Assists with keeping track of section inventory of equipment (except ropes and audio-visual equipment; for example, section camp and ice/rock review equipment, tents, etc.). Updates this inventory annually or whenever the section makes a major acquisition.
  • Acts as Calgary’s representative on the Alberta Sections Executive when requested by the Chair.
  • May act as the Calgary Section Representative as an alternative to the Chair at the National Board Meeting.
  • Assists with organizing and attending public forums at events such as the Banff Mountain Film Festival and the Calgary Outdoor Show, in conference with the Chair.
  • Assists the Chair as necessary with the preparation of the Annual Profile Document for the Alberta Parks and Recreation Grant Application, generally in October of each year.
  • Assists the Chair as necessary with the preparation a semi-annual report to contribute to the Calgary Section Report for the National Board Meetings held in May and October of each year.
  • Presents a report to the section at the AGM on the year’s events, including the Alberta Sections Meeting.
  • Provides a written copy of the annual report to the Chair at the October Executive Meeting.

  • Attends all section and Board meetings or appoints a substitute to take minutes.
  • Takes minutes of section meetings and prepares an electronic copy:

    • To forward to the Webmaster, for publication on the website and
    • To keep a copy on file for the section records and
    • For the entire year, to present to the Chair at the October Board meeting.

  • Generally is one of the signatories on section financial documents.
  • Takes minutes at the Board meetings and:

    • Distributes a copy to each member of the Board prior to the next Board Meeting;
    • Retains one copy for the section records; and
    • Presents a copy of the year's Board Meeting Minutes to the Chair at the October Board Meeting.

  • Reminds Board members of upcoming Board meetings.
  • Assists the Chair in to maintain a record of volunteer activity for purposes of recognition.
  • Advises the National Club office and Alberta Sections Provincial Coordinator of any changes in the Board members of the Section, including change of address, telephone numbers, email, etc.). This is generally done following the Board elections at the Section Annual General Meeting.
  • Prepares a semi-annual report to contribute to the Calgary Section Report for the National Board Meetings held in May and October of each year.

  • Attends all section and executive meetings.
  • Handles and advises the executive on all financial matters. The financial year is November 1st to October 31st.
  • Generally is one of the signatories on section financial documents.
  • Maintains a record of all revenues and expenditures.
  • Presents, with appropriate comments, the financial statements quarterly. Balance sheet, Statement of Activities (Revenue & Expense).
  • Deals with all financial correspondence.
  • Makes decisions, in consultation with the Executive Committee, concerning the most profitable and least risky portfolio of investment to maximize the return of these assets. These decisions deal with the allocation of funds to the current account, savings account and long-term investments, i.e. term deposits, savings bonds, etc.
  • Keeps possession of all financial documents: cheque books, transaction records, etc. Records are maintained for seven years.
  • Assists the Vice-Chair in preparing the Annual Profile Document for Alberta Parks and Recreation Grant Applications.
  • Advises section executive on financial matters relating to all special projects, casinos, etc.
  • Accounts for all activities of the Calgary section using cash based (not accrual) accounting.
  • Performs such business controls as deemed necessary to ensure the validity of the books of account.
  • Gathers information for, and creates the annual budget. Monitors adherence to the budget.
  • Publishes the approved budget and year-end financials online and announced in the Breeze.
  • Prepares a semi-annual report to contribute to the Calgary Section Report for the National Board Meetings held in May and October of each year.
  • Presents a report to the section at the AGM on the year’s activities. Provides a written copy of the report to the Chair at the October Executive Meeting.
Past ChairNon-voting

  • Attends all section, Executive and Board meetings.
  • Ex-officio, non-voting position.
  • Advises the Chair and Calgary Section Board and Executive on both procedures and activities of the Section.
  • Chairs the Nominating Committee for the selection of Board positions.
  • Presents the nominees for Board positions to the membership at the AGM.
Ski ChairVoting

  • Attends all section meetings.
  • Reports to the executive committee and to the section members about committee activities and section ski trips.
  • Recruits a minimum of four members to form the Ski Committee. Prepares the agenda for and chairs meetings of the Ski Committee.
  • Designates a member of the Ski Committee to sit as a member of the Training and Leadership Committee.
  • Organizes the operations of the Ski Committee and delegate's tasks as appropriate. Ski Committee tasks include:

    • Liaising with the Training and Leadership Chair on any courses relevant to backcountry skiing activities, including organizing the Beginners Introduction to Backcountry Skiing program
    • Recruiting potential ski trip co-ordinators. Collecting background information from potential ski trip co-ordinators, mentoring and confirming their suitability to act as co-ordinators.
    • In consultation, with the Ski Committee and the Training and Leadership Committee, prepares the Responsibility Guidelines for trip co-ordinators and participants.
    • Ensure the organization of other appropriate ski-related activities. These might include ski camps, avalanche transceiver practices, crevasse rescue practices, etc.
    • Collecting signed waiver forms for completed trips, and following up on unreturned waivers. Submitting the signed waivers to the Chair at the October Executive Meeting where they will be archived for seven years.
    • Acts as a resource for members and potential members regarding backcountry ski activities, including section ski camps.

  • Compiles a record of trip statistics, including the number of trips, those that were run, those that were cancelled, reasons for each and the number of participants.
  • Prepares a semi-annual report to contribute to the Calgary Section Report for the National Board Meetings held in May and October of each year.
  • Presents a report to the section at the AGM on the year’s activities. Provides a written copy of the report to the Vice Chair and the Chair at the October Executive Meeting.
Climbing ChairVoting

  • Attends all section meetings.
  • Reports to the executive committee and the section members on committee activities, summer and winter climbing trips.
  • Recruits members to form the Climbing Committee, ideally four. Prepares the agenda for, and chairs meetings of the Climbing Committee.
  • Designates a member of the Climbing Committee to sit as a member on the Training and Leadership Committee.
  • Organizes the operations of the Climbing Committee and delegates tasks as appropriate. Climbing Committee tasks include:

    • As necessary, liaising with the Training and Leadership Chair on any courses relevant to climbing activities.
    • Assist with recruitment and vetting of potential trip coordinators.
    • Assisting with the assembly and maintenance of schedule of climbing trips for both the Summer and the Winter Schedule. This is in cooperation with the Alpine and Ski Chairs and with the assistance of and input from other Board members.
    • As necessary, in consultation with the Ski Committee and the Training and Leadership Committee, maintaining the Responsibility Guidelines for trip coordinators and participants.
    • Following up on unreturned waivers as necessary. Signed waivers are collected and archived for 7 years by the Section librarian.
    • Acting as a resource for members and potential members regarding climbing activities, including Summer Section camp.
    • Appointing a member to facilitate the transfer of climbing ropes from one successive trip coordinator to the next. The rope coordinator is required to maintain a log of rope usage, to keep track of section equipment and to determine when ropes should be retired.
    • Facilitating and assisting other volunteers with the organization of bouldering, climbing gym nights and Rock Rage.

  • Organizing and running the annual Rock Review & Barbecue in early June, and the annual Ice Review in early January.
  • Maintains a record of trip statistics, including the number of trips, those that were run, those that were cancelled, the reasons for each cancellation and the number of participants.
  • If requested by the Section Chair, prepares a semi-annual report to contribute to the Calgary Section Report for the National Section Representative Meetings held in May and October of each year.
  • Presents a report to the section at the AGM on the previous year’s activities. Provides the Chair with a written copy of the report at the April Board Meeting.
Alpine ChairVoting

  • Attends all section meetings.
  • Reports to the executive committee and the section members on committee activities, summer and winter alpine trips as necessary.
  • Organizing and running the Alpine Mentorship Program (AMP).
  • Recruits members to form the Alpine Committee as necessary. Prepares the agenda for, and chairs any meetings of the Alpine Committee.
  • Designates a member of the Alpine Committee to sit as a member on the Training and Leadership Committee.
  • Organizes the operations of the Alpine Committee and delegates tasks as appropriate.
  • As necessary, liaising with the Training and Leadership Chair on any courses relevant to alpine activities.
  • Assist with recruitment and vetting of potential trip leaders.
  • Assisting with the assembly and maintenance of schedule of alpine trips for both the Summer and the Winter Schedule. This is in cooperation with the Climbing and Ski Chairs and with the assistance of and input from other Board members.
  • As necessary, in consultation with the Climbing, Ski, and Training and Leadership Committees, maintaining the Responsibility Guidelines for trip leaders and participants.
  • Maintains a record of trip statistics, including the number of trips, those that were run, those that were cancelled, the reasons for each cancellation and the number of participants.
  • If requested by the Section Chair, prepares a semi-annual report to contribute to the Calgary Section Report for the National Section Representative Meetings held in May and October of each year.
  • Presents a report to the section at the AGM on the previous year’s activities. Provides the Chair with a written copy of the report at the April Board Meeting.
Training ChairVoting

  • Attends all section meetings.
  • Forms a Training and Leadership Committee consisting of a representative from each of the Climbing and Ski Committees and two other section members. Prepares the agenda for, and chairs meetings of the Committee.
  • The Training and Leadership Committee is responsible for:

    • Preparing and administering the Summer and Winter Course Schedules.
    • Organizing, promoting and administering the section Leadership Training Courses.
    • Promoting and administering Section participation in National Club Leadership training opportunities.
    • Preparing and maintaining the Section Trip Co-ordinators Handbook and policies pertaining to trip co-ordinators.

  • Maintains a record of course and leadership training statistics including the type and number of courses, those that were run, and those that were cancelled, reasons and the number of participants.
  • Prepares a semi-annual report to contribute to the Calgary Section Report for the National Board Meetings held in May and October of each year.
  • Presents a report to the section at the AGM on the year’s activities. Provides the Chair with a written copy of the report at the October Board Meeting.
Social ChairVoting

  • Attends all section meetings.
  • Prepares the agenda for and chairs the section social committee.
  • Arranges presentations for the monthly section meetings.
  • After the guest presentation gives the speaker a gift of appreciation (currently a $25.00 gift certificate for MEC and a water bottle). Follows up by sending a personalized thank you or publishes a "thank you" in The Breeze or on the facebook page.
  • Organizes social functions as determined and approved by the executive, which may include an annual dinner. Delegates responsibility and supervises the organization of hall rentals, purchase of liquor license, purchase of liquor, return of liquor, entertainment, etc. for social functions.
  • Organizes, as a general rule, all social functions on a break-even basis.
  • Maintains the section's audiovisual equipment.
  • Organizes, with the assistance of volunteers, the annual photo contest.
  • Organizes, with the assistance of volunteers, the annual volunteer appreciation party, usually held in September or October.
  • Reports to the executive on social functions upon their completion. This report is to include the number of participants, financial figures (profits or losses) and recommendations.
  • Prepares a semi-annual report to contribute to the Calgary Section Report for the National Board Meetings held in May and October of each year.
  • Presents a report to the section at the AGM on the year’s activities. Provides the Chair with a written copy of the report at the October Executive Meeting.
Member and Leadership ChairVoting

  • Attends all section meetings.
  • Is available at all section meetings to answer questions relating to membership and to welcome new members to the section.
  • Promotes Section and National club membership by:

    • Ensuring information is available to potential members.
    • Setting up display material with membership brochures forms, display panel, etc. at activities outside of club functions, such as The Sportsman Show, the Banff Mountain Film Festival, Calgary Climbers' Festival, etc.
    • Providing membership information to facilities which are frequented by the mountaineering community, such as retail stores, the ACC Clubhouse, the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Centre, the CAOC office, etc.

  • Makes recommendations to the executive regarding membership policies and procedures.
  • Makes recommendations to the executive with regard to strategies for volunteer recognition and recruitment.
  • Prepares a semi-annual report to contribute to the Calgary Section Report for the National Board Meetings held in May and October of each year.
  • Presents a report to the section at the AGM on the year’s activities.
  • Provides a written copy of the report to Chair at the October Executive Meeting.
Communication ChairVoting

  • Attends all section meetings.
  • Facilitates communications between the Board and the membership and among members at large, including the maintenance of the ACC Calgary Section Facebook page.
  • Generates articles and other content of interest to the membership for The Breeze (the weekly email update).
  • Together with the Chair and the Webmaster make up the core of the Communications Committee.
  • Attends all section meetings.
  • Gathers content and prepares weekly edition of The Breeze except during the summer hiatus.
  • Broadcasts The Breeze to the section members, via MailChimp.
  • Reviews articles before publication.
  • Reviews and updates or recommends updates to the website to ensure its accuracy, completeness and relevance. Assists with the maintenance and update of Section Policies and Procedures Manual, Member Handbook, Bylaws and other documents.
  • Prepares a semi-annual report as necessary to contribute to the Calgary Section Report for the National Board Meetings held in May and October of each year.
  • Presents a report to the section at the AGM on the year’s activities. Provides the Chair a written copy of the report before the AGM.
Access and Environment ChairVoting

  • Attends all section meetings.
  • Provides the members of the Calgary Section, with information regarding current environmental issues, and the tools to follow through with areas of personal interest or concern.
  • Supports continued access to areas of interest for mountain enthusiasts, in an environmentally responsible manner, which includes the promotion of wilderness preservation.
  • Acts as a liaison and representative for the Calgary Section regarding current environmental issues with various environmental agencies and groups, and with Alberta Environment.
  • Advocates and follows the Alpine Club of Canada's Comprehensive Access and Environment Policy, and Wilderness Code of Ethics
  • Presents a report to the section at the AGM on the year’s activities. Provides a written copy of the report to the Chair at the October Board Meeting.
  • Maintains the Access and Environment page on the website, updating with goings on with the committee and any areas of interest to climber or skier access and related environmental concerns and news.
  • Represents the Calgary section as a Director on the Climbers Access Society of Alberta ( CASA) Board of Directors.
  • Provides volunteer support for annual stream survey/trail maintenance in the Ghost climbing area.
  • Prepares a semi-annual report to contribute to the Calgary Section Report for the National Board Meetings held in May and October of each year.
Safety Chair Voting

  • Attends all section meetings.
  • Generates articles and other content of interest pertaining to safety to the Board and the membership at large.
  • To convene the Safety Committee when required to complete its work as outlined on the Safety Committee description of purpose and work.
  • Prepares a semi-annual report to contribute to the Calgary Section Report for the National Board Meetings held in May and October of each year.
  • Presents a report to the section at the AGM on the year’s activities. Provides the Chair a written copy of the report at the October Executive Meeting.

  • Attends all section meetings.
  • Responsible for maintaining the Calgary Section website including:

    • Update of Section membership database at least every 7 days or upon request by member.
    • Update of member login information into the website user database.
    • Run email disabling update queries for expired memberships, nonthly.
    • Scheduling website backups.

  • Responsible for timely (24 hour or best efforts if away) response to member queries with regard to issues with the website. Generally these are of the “cannot login” variety.
  • Responsible for arranging for coverage to answer web-site related inquiries and database updates when away.
  • Responsible for timely response to enquiries made from the National office.
  • Responsible for timely responses to Trip Leader / Coordinator issues and enquiries regarding the functioning of the website.
  • Maintains email lists and implements changes to Board email forwards as necessary - through webhost interface.
  • Maintains website verbiage and responsible for making changes to website configuration as necessary. This is through the Event Schedule interface or webhost interface.
  • Liaising with the National office regarding member record issues.
  • Coordination of posting of photos from the Calgary Section Annual Photography Contest.
  • Renewal of annual domain name and webhosting licenses and contracts.
  • Responsible for all communications with webhost/ISP provider.
  • Spearheads any website improvement or update initiatives.
  • Acts as general IT/technology resource for Calgary Section.
  • Prepares a semi-annual report to contribute to the Calgary Section Report for the National Board Meetings held in May and October of each year.
  • Presents a report to the section at the AGM on the year’s activities.
  • Provides a written copy of the report to the Chair at the October Board Meeting.

  • Attends all section meetings.
  • Maintains the library collection.
  • Purchases materials, per yearly-allocated budget amount, to improve and maintain the currency of the collection.
  • Maintains the collection index on
  • Brings a selection of books and a hard copy of the collection index to section meetings.
  • Coordinates requests made by the general membership to ensure that materials held in the collection are available to any member who wishes to borrow them. (Practically speaking, this involves reminding members to return borrowed materials that have been held for a period of more than 2-3 months).
  • Prepares a semi-annual report to contribute to the Calgary Section Report for the National Board Meetings held in May and October of each year.
  • Presents a report to the section at the AGM on the year’s activities. Provides a written copy of the report to Chair at the October Executive Meeting.
Rope KeeperNon-votingKeeper of the ropes.
Gear MasterNon-votingKeeper of all Section gear and anything else that might be found in the section trailer.