Dec 2023 Photo Competition Winners

The winners for the Section’s Alpine Exposure 2023 Photo Contest were announced at the December Social this past Dec 19th 2023.

Wondering what the rules were to enter? Refer back to our photo competition rules page at —>

πŸ†πŸ†Here are this year’s winners:πŸ†πŸ† — CLICK PHOTOS TO EXPAND

1. Canadian Mountain Scenes (Richardson Trophy) – Mountain scenery





Birdwood in All Its Glory
πŸ… Winner: Althea Brolsma
πŸ† Prize: $100 MEC Gift Card





2. Mountain Winter Scenes (Rex Gibson Trophy) – Canadian mountains in winter





Grunting Up Andromeda
πŸ… Winner: Ian Matthews
πŸ† Prize: $50 MEC Gift Card





3. Mountain scenes outside Canada (Jim Board Trophy) – Mountaineering scenes/activities outside Canada





πŸ… Winner: Charles-Antoine Lanthier
πŸ† Prize: $50 MEC Gift Card






4. Mountaineering (Marion Fawdry Trophy) – Mountaineering activities, summer or winter





The King and the Beast
πŸ… Winner: Tami Nolan
πŸ† Prize: $100 MEC Gift Card






5. Rock Climbing (Hillbilly Bowl) – Technical or solo climbing on rock






High Above Waterworld
πŸ… Winner: Tami Nolan
πŸ† Prize: $50 MEC Gift Card








6. Ice Climbing (Kathleen Lucas Trophy) – Waterfall or extreme alpine ice climbing







Raven Mounted GoPro
πŸ… Winner: Brett Bilon
πŸ† Prize: $50 MEC Gift Card







7. Ski Mountaineering (John Hammond Trophy) – Ski mountaineering, ski touring, or telemark





Champagne Ski
πŸ… Winner: Lida Frydrychova
πŸ† Prize: $50 MEC Gift Card






8. Portraits of Mountaineers (L.C. Wilson Trophy) – Person or people in a mountain setting





Sarah(s) Getting a Good Giggle in Waterton
πŸ… Winner: Althea Brolsma
πŸ† Prize: $100 MEC Gift Card





9. Flora (Francis Pearce Trophy) – Plant life in a mountain region



Violet Coral
πŸ… Winner: Charles-Antoine Lanthier
πŸ† Prize: $50 MEC Gift Card




10. Fauna (Bugler Hind Trophy) – Wildlife in a mountain region




Just Chillin’
πŸ… Winner: Ian Matthews
πŸ† Prize: $50 MEC Gift Card







11. Humor (Silver Skillet) – Humor or satire, taken in a mountain or mountaineering context






Short Days Long Legs
πŸ… Winner: Masten Brolsma
πŸ† Prize: $50 MEC Gift Card








12. Best of Show (David Oldham Trophy) – All entries are considered for this award






High Above Waterworld
πŸ… Winner: Tami Nolan
πŸ† Prize: $200 MEC Gift Card








13. Unclassified (President’s Trophy) – Any photograph in a mountain setting that doesn’t fit in




Choss Dawn
πŸ… Winner: Brett Bilon
πŸ† Prize: $50 MEC Gift Card





14. Club Activities – Person or people involved in a club camp or activity





Post Breaking Trail Smiles
πŸ… Winner: Althea Brolsma
πŸ† Prize: Free Porter Service from the Section Chair





15. Legacy Award – An appreciation of the mountains being shared by youth or families





Hopscotch to the Stars
πŸ… Winner: Paul Dormaar
πŸ† Prize: Free climbing/scrambling instruction event for your kids