Updated on Sep 15, 2020
Trip Leader Covid Guidelines for multi-day events
adapted from the ACMG Guide Checklist
*Include pertinent Covid-19 prevention guidelines and expectations in trip postings.
At the beginning of each posted event include the following wording:
COVID 19; Please note there are new protocols and guidelines that we must all adhere to whilst taking part in club events and courses. Please ensure you have read and understood the following documents:
Calgary Section Protocols
Waiver + Declaration of Health and Exposure
There are also guidelines for the trip leader and guides for single and multi-day trips.
These documents can be found on the ACC website under Covid-19 heading. These guidelines need to be followed through the duration of the event/course. If any of these guidelines are not followed then you won’t be able to participate.
Car Pooling is not allowed unless you are part of the same household or close friends’ group.
Recommended Items to Bring:
All participants are encouraged to prepare at least two non-medical masks (mask must be at least two layers), hand sanitizer (60% alcohol), eye protection (sun glasses are OK) and full-finger belay gloves.
*Limit group sizes to accommodate for social distancing procedures based on objectives/location.
*Club Group Gear: Soft Group Gear (i.e. ropes) will still be available for checkout. This gear will sit unused for at least 3 days between events to minimize transmission. If 3 days isn’t an option then the gear needs to have been washed in warm, soapy water. A sterile first aid kit supplement will also be available containing the following items in the case of a first aid incident:
1 Face Shield
Small package of gloves s,m,l, xl
A few sealed disposable face masks
Alcohol wipes
Pocket Respirator Mask
*Waivers AND Health declaration: all participants must sign the health declaration IN ADDITION to our standard waiver. Please ensure the waivers have been printed off 3 days prior to the course/event. Each participant will sign their own waiver and should be prepared to sign with their own pens. These documents should be placed into an envelope or box and not touched for 3 days.
*Pre-Trip Considerations + Communications with guides (when using one)
o If a participant chooses his/her own front-country accommodation, ask that he/she vet their viral mitigation procedures before booking.
o Inform participants that agreement to come on the trip indicates agreement to abide by the mitigation procedures.
o Inform participants that despite all precautions, one or more may still contract the virus.
o Inform participants what measures have been put in place by ACC National for huts and Hi Hostels for the hostels with regard to disinfecting between groups.
o Remind guides/camp staff about available social and mental health supports during this stressful time, and encourage them to use these resources
o Notify guides and participants of the steps being taken to prevent the risk of transmission of infection, and the importance of their roles in these measures.
o Guides and participants should implement active daily screening of themselves, other camp staff and participants for symptoms of fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose or difficulty breathing.
o Guides will need to screen/monitor themselves/participants for the duration of the camp. If people show symptoms they need to leave the camp and self-isolate for 10 days or when symptoms stop (whichever is longer).
o Order 05-2020 legally obligates individuals who have a cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose, or sore throat (that is not related to a pre-existing illness or health condition) to be in isolation for 10 days from the start of symptoms, or until symptoms resolve, whichever takes longer. – These requirements must be followed regardless of whether or not the individual has been tested for COVID-19. If the guide shows these symptoms within 10 days of the camp they will not be allowed to work the camp. If a participant shows symptoms within 10 days of the camp they will not be allowed to attend and receive a credit towards another ACC camp.
o Prior to issuing contract, determine whether guide is sick or recently has been exposed to someone who is sick – make your best call on whether to hire that person
o Choose routes and/or activities that minimize transfer of gear
o Route choices – avoid crowded areas or popular routes
o If you need to make a rapid retreat due to an emergent situation, speed trumps the potential transmission of the virus. The immediate safety of your guests is priority one; preventing possible contagion is lower on the list.
*Transportation to Event
o Guests should arrive at the trailhead in their own vehicles or having been dropped off, and with an expectation to be picked up, by a resident of their household.
o Car Pooling is strongly discouraged unless you are part of the same household or close friends’ group.
*Pre-event group meeting
o Make sure everyone is abiding to the 2 metre distancing rule before you start.
o Go over the following guidelines in addition to any other group safety briefing:
● Need to be 2 metres spacing at all times
● Anytime that this can’t happen, a mask must be worn
● Demonstrate how to properly apply, remove and store a mask (instructions on back side of this page).
● Everyone should have their own masks and hand sani
● When using hand sani make sure you get 100% coverage of hands and rub together for 20 seconds.
● If you need to cough/sneeze do so in your arm and hand sani after
● Hand sani before and after touching any gear
● Wear full-finger belay gloves when belaying
● Promote personal protective practices (coughing and sneezing etiquette, hand hygiene (no shaking hands/high fives), cleaning and disinfecting practices
● Avoid touching face
o Check that all participants’ personal gear that may be used by other participants has been isolated for 3 days before the commencement of the course/event.
o Remind people that it is their responsibility to follow the regulations (If not, they might be asked to leave the event).
*During the Event:
o Make sure hand sani is always available (added to group gear)
o Monitor and remind people of social distancing, no face touching (all the things mentioned above)
o Encourage lots of hand sani. Ensure this is provided and used during meals + rest stops
o Make sure people are tidy with their gear and sharing the least amount possible
o If passing other groups on the trail make sure there is 2 metres or put on masks
o Avoid locations where people can’t be more than 2 metres apart
o Have extra masks (15) available in case some are forgotten, lost or saturated (added to group gear)
o Have full face shield with first aid supplies in the event that someone is injured and requires evacuation from a third party rescue operation. (added to group gear)
* Belays, Summits and other Tight Spots Belays and summits are significant pinch points where guidelines for physical distancing may be challenged. Consider the following:
o Choose routes that allow for appropriate distancing on the belays and summits, or
o Wear proper masks and sanitize hands during the period when you will be in close contact
o Make transitions as quick as is safely possible
o When possible, bring enough pro to minimize gear transfer
o Reduce the amount of time you would normally spend on a summit or alternate people on the top Other Parties on Rock or Narrow Alpine Routes
o Request that other parties maintain their distance from your group
o If second group must overtake yours, or vice versa, have you and your guests don proper masks during time of passage
o Pass or allow passing in places where the terrain allows for proper spacing Rest Stops and Meals
o Maintain appropriate distancing at all rest stops and meal locations. Be vigilant as it is human nature to want to be closer to adventure-mates, especially if weather is inclement.
o Ensure that food and beverage is not passed from person to person except among members of the same household or close friends’ group.
*Post Camp Communication
o Let participants know that should they show symptoms within 10 days of the camp ending that they contact the trip leader immediately and the trip leader will contact all other people who were on the camp and reiterate the regulation for isolating.
o In post trip communication ask guides whether the modified best practices significantly impaired their ability to deliver a safe and enjoyable experience for their guests.
o Follow-up with guides who indicate that the experience was negatively impacted and discuss how to go forward.
o Ask participants if the event delivered what they were expecting despite the modified best safe practices
o Revise your plan as necessary Post-trip Communication with Participants – all levels; all guiding activities.
o In feedback sessions or forms, ask participants whether they felt adequately protected from viral infection and whether the modified best practices negatively impacted their experience.
Mask Training
How to put on a non-medical mask or face covering
1. Ensure the face covering is clean and dry.
2. Wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds before touching the mask.
o If none is available, use hand sanitizer with a minimum 60% alcohol base and rub hands for 20 seconds.
3. Ensure your hair is away from your face.
4. Place the face covering over your nose and mouth and secure to your head or ears with its ties or elastics.
o Adjust if needed to ensure nose and mouth are fully covered.
o The mask should fit snugly to the cheeks and there should not be any gaps.
5. Repeat Step 2.
While wearing a non-medical mask or face covering, it is important to avoid touching your face. If you do touch your mask or face, you should immediately wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. You can also use hand sanitizer with a minimum 60% alcohol base and rub hands together for 20 seconds.
How to remove a non-medical mask or face covering
1. Wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds.
o If none is available, use hand sanitizer with a minimum 60% alcohol base.
2. Remove the face covering by un-tying it or removing the loops from your ears.
o Avoid touching the front of the mask when removing it.
o It can be placed in a plastic bag temporarily if you are not at home.
▪ Make sure you close or zip seal the bag while storing it.
3. After removing the face covering, repeat Step 1.
Non-medical face masks or face coverings should:
● allow for easy breathing
● fit securely to the head with ties or ear loops
● maintain their shape after washing and drying
● be changed as soon as possible if damp or dirty
● be comfortable and not require frequent adjustment
● be made of at least 2 layers of tightly woven material fabric (such as cotton or linen)
● be large enough to completely and comfortably cover the nose and mouth without gaping