Yop Poll Archive

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Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Climbing Chair.

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Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Vice Chair.

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Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Training and Leadership Chair.

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Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Access and Environment Chair (note that only your first vote will be recorded).

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Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Webmaster (note that only your first vote will be recorded).

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Communications Chair.

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Chair of the Board.

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Chair of the Board.

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Chair of the Board.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Vice Chair.

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Please choose a candidate below to serve as Alpine Chair.

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Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Social Chair.

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Please choose a candidate below to serve as Treasurer.

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Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Training Chair.

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Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Secretary

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Please choose a candidate below to serve as Member and Leadership Chair

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Please choose a candidate below to serve as Safety Chair

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Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Chair of the Board.

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Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Ski Chair.

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Herein I vote to support or oppose a $20,000 budget allocation for the Event Calendar website upgrade.

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Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Communications Chair.

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Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Webmaster (note that only your first vote will be recorded).

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Access and Environment Chair

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Chair of the Board.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Training Chair.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Alpine Chair.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Climbing Chair.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Vice Chair.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Safety Chair

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Safety Chair

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Alpine Chair.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Treasurer.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Secretary

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Ski Chair.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Social Chair.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Member and Leadership Chair

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Climbing Chair.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Access and Environment Chair

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Webmaster (note that only your first vote will be recorded).

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Vice Chair.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Chair of the Board.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Training Chair.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Please choose a candidate below to serve as Calgary Section Communications Chair.