Well, once again the Pass delivered the white goods!! A happy group including Suzie P, Nathalie D, Trish M, Perry P, Alan H, Elisabeth D, Gerry D and Clifton P made the most of it. We stayed at the luxurious Eagle Lodge (Mount 7 Lodges) in Golden.
Eagle Lodge – our home for three days
On Friday, the only Restricted areas open were Grizzly Shoulder and McGill shoulder. We opted for McGill. With the avi ratings at High/Considerable/Moderate we were not going to venture into the alpine. As we ascended the snow got deeper and deeper and drier and the cloud got thicker and thicker – but who needs vis in the trees.
Saturday, we knew that the road would be closed at the pass for periods so we were at the Discovery Center before 8am. All Restricted areas were closed, leaving only Connaught Creek and the Asulkan/Illecillewaet areas. We headed up towards Balu pass along with hordes of other powderhounds. There were quite a number ahead of us heading up a ridge towards hospital bowl, but after a group discussion, we decided to not follow, and instead skinned up a ridge where we could ski and lap the trees with nobody above us. A good decision – the trees were a bit tight and steep, but the skiing was lovely.
Trish, Perry and Suzie on the bridge over Connaught Creek
Trish, Perry, Nathalie and Suzie enjoying the snow
Sunday – the group decided to head east to the Rockies, to Narao – to avoid the road closures, Rogers pass Restricted area closures, etc. And it had been snowing in the Rockies so……. We arrived at the Lake O’Hara parking lot at 8:30 and were not the first ones there. We lapped the trees and had amazing fresh lines all day in the sun.
The Trip leaders did wonderfully well to involve the entire group in decisions and to keep everyone safe in touchy conditions. And it was great to prepare meals and dine together.
Perry preparing to launch from Narao then Clifton and Gerry – Cathedral in the background
Team raclette prep!
Happy skiiers around a colorful raclette 🙂
Trip leaders enjoying the mountain lifestyle
Written by Clifton Potter, Canmore.
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