Archive for January, 2017

  • CAUTION about Using Hardware Cord in Climbing

    The other day an intermediate climber friend of mine mentioned something to me about having some cord that he got…

  • Shades of Beauty

    A few weeks ago I organised a weekend of ice climbing. Now, as anyone who knows me is aware of…

  • Binding Inserts – What’s the Point and How do I Install Them?

    Skis are like tires for your car. Different skis are designed for different conditions. You can go the ‘all season…

  • Fun With Hanging Daggers

    Time to launder the bright yellow pants maybe ? Watch a Dagger Collapse on Mixed Climber in Switzerland

  • Make Your Own Fruit Boots !

    These mixed and drytooling  boots are lighter and more sensitive than your average boot/crampon combo. Not super warm, but good…

  • How to… uphill kick-turn!

    Here are a couple videos to inspire us back-country skiers to practice the perfect uphill kick-turns!  You might laugh because…

  • Let the Body climb

    Hazel Findlay’s mental training series: “Breathe’ slow and deep, ‘stare’ intently, ‘sense’ your fingers and toes, ‘smell’ and ‘listen’.. all…

  • Ice Climbing Anchor Strength

    In this article, Glenmore Lodge Senior Instructor George McEwan takes a look at a study of ice anchors and explores…

  • Batteries for Pulse and Element Barryvox

    Great article from Mammut on a very important part of avalanche safety: your transceiver batteries!  

  • Chasing Chargers – Skiing at Tunnel Creek

    Sometimes you just want to charge. Sometimes you want to bring together a super strong party of skiers so that…
