Archive for May, 2016

  • Comprehensive Trip Leader Course

    A large group of ACC Calgary members took part in the Comprehensive Trip Leader course this last weekend.  It was…

  • 8 Ways To Get On The Coolest ACC Trips

    There are a ton of awesome trips going up on the ACC Calendar all the time, and many people wonder what…

  • How to pay a helicopter to drop you off some place really inconvenient and then spend 9 days trying to get back to your car.

    Trip Report by Phil Tomlinson Photos by Matt Breakey Additional Participants: Christine Mireault, Mike Persson This Trip Report has been…

  • Trip Write Up: The Drummond-Bonnet Glaciers Traverse

    Friday April 15 to Sunday April 17, 2016 Participants: Sheri, Robert, Sue, Luca and Joad Trip report writers: Luca and…

  • After Work Scrambles; Way Better Than Anything Else Happening on a Weekday!

    Wednesdays used to suck.   Half way through the week and the longest time between weekends and the mountains. We needed more…

  • Abject Failure and Grouse Attacks

    Re-post from my handy dandy blog. So winter packed up and went on vacation to the other hemisphere which means…

  • Garibaldi Neve Traverse – Less Laziness in the Alpine

    Re-posted from my handy dandy blog that has a full gallery and some other stuff. So, a week after doing the…
