Archive for April, 2017

  • ROCK-IT 2017

    The Real Outdoor Climbing Knowledge Introductory Training (ROCK IT) program is the Calgary Section’s newest addition to our mountain skill…

  • MEC Shopping Night – May 9th!

    Hurray, it’s Club Discount Shopping night at the MEC time! What are you going to be doing this Summer? And…

  • May 6: Highway 40 Cleanup

    When is the event? The event will take place on Saturday, May 6th at 9:00 AM.    Where is the…

  • Mega-Spikes

    Recently, after a mountain hike with a lot of steep icey trail, I got thinking about several pairs of old…

  • VOTE and AGM

    AGM: For a few more details regarding what’s in store at the AGM, see the event posting at:   …

  • Comprehensive Trip Leader Workshop

    To all current and aspiring trip leaders: Mark down the weekend of May 6th and 7th on your calendars! This…

  • Wheeler Hut Family Weekend!

    Imagine…winter, a balmy -5C, heaps of snow, glow sticks at night, toboggans, an untracked toboggan run, ice cold creeks with…

  • Upcoming Election and AGM 2017!

    Elections: Last year we changed the terms for Board members from 1 year to 2 years, while alternating half of…
