Archive for January, 2018

  • A glimpse of the past

    12 Historic Photos of the Canadian Rockies – Have you ever wondered what it was like to walk the streets…

  • Book review: The Green Horse

    Retired mountain park warden Dale Portman’s autobiography The Green Horse is a romp through his early career in the Canadian…

  • Banff wolves may soon..

    have a meal they haven’t tasted in 140 years: wild bison, read the details on

  • Rogers Pass ski trip – Jan.19-21

    Hey folks, I have 1 more spot (maybe two) available for my ski trip to Rogers Pass January 19-21. We…

  • 1907 ACC’s Canadian Alpine Journal claim

    “No lady climbing, who wears skirts, will be allowed to take place on a rope, as they are a distinct…

  • The Ultimate Timeline

    of Ski History in Banff National Park  by Tera Swanson. read HERE I personally love these stories and black and white…
