Ski Committee Motion

Ski Committee Motion
May 25, 2018 Nathalie Drotar

THIS MOTION WAS APPROVED YEEE HAAA  more ski trips for our section!!!

The Calgary section plans to book a private hut for the purpose of skiing in the 2019 and 2020 ski seasons.  These trips will be ran on a cost recovery basis.  These promise to be great trips and fill up fast.  The Rocky Mountain section currently does 3 such trips per year, with great success. This proposal has support of the ACC Calgary section Ski Committee and the board of directors.

The amount for the deposit requires a motion and a majority of those members in attendance to approve the spending at a Calgary section meeting.  The proposal will be put forward at our monthly social, May 15, 2018. Specific questions can be addressed in advance by contacting the ski chair at

Motion: “To approve expenditure on the deposit of two private hut bookings for the purpose of ski touring in the 2019 and the 2020 seasons.  Estimated costs are $20,000, which we receive back from our members as they sign up for the trip.”

Tyler Hallman, Ski Committee Chair


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