I don’t get any emails from the club

I don’t get any emails from the club
June 9, 2015 Webmaster

This is likely for one of three reasons:

    1. This is likely caused by an incorrectly submitted e-mail address to National. The Calgary Section member information is synchronized with the National database frequently, so please update your information through the National website and it will make its way through the system.
    2. Our event notification emails come through the Event Calendar. To receive those, go to the Calgary Section main page https://www.acccalgary.ca/, click on the “Event Calendar” link, login and make your changes through the “Account” –> “Preferences” menu item/page. On that same “Preferences” page you can also sign up to receive our monthly newsletter, The Breeze. 
    3. If you don’t receive any event notification emails (likely you have hotmail), please check your spam folder. To prevent ACC emails from ending up in the spam folder, you can try adding no-reply@acccalgary.ca to your contact list. If that still doesn’t solve the problem, please email webmaster@acccalgary.ca with the issue.