Hello everyone!
Ice climbing season is nearly here and our Climbing Committee Chair (Nicole) is looking for volunteer leaders and coordinators to help out with the STICKSSS program. The STICKSSS program was started by Tyler last year with the intent of getting beginners out ice climbing! It stands for “Series Training for Ice Climbing, Kicking, Swinging, Screwing and Screaming barfies.” If you are interested in helping, you can do one of the following things:
1) Help with the (indoor) orientation on November 30th. This will be a nice and warm way to lend a hand!
2) Post a trip suitable for beginners! Please ensure it is labelled with STICKSSS. Then take some beginners out! If you do this, please ensure that those that sign up have the requisite skills (e.g.: min. belaying and/or specifically lead belaying) required. Either get a reference for those minimum belay skills, or do a quick check before you climb. Last year almost everyone had belayed before, but best to double-check to be safe!
3) If you would like to help out but you aren’t comfortable coordinating an event on your own, shoot Nicole (climb@acccalgary.ca) a note and she’ll help coordinate with other leaders.
4) Email any ideas you have for the program to climb@acccalgary.ca (please be willing to help with the implementation).
Please email Nicole at climb@acccalgary.ca if you are interested! She’ll collect the replies and send out an email with only the people who are interested in helping out.
Thank you in advance for your help!!
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