Observations and Rumors…
Shades of beauty – lower pitch may or may not be in.
Weeping wall very thin more rock then ice Sniveling gully more water running then ice.
Bridal Vale falls not touching down yet
Melt out – still forming but was climbed, some places where stubbies hit rock.
Consolation Prize – heard second hand that a group made it to the top then down climbed to get to thicker ice to rap down.
Murchison, see attached photo
Fluffy’s climbs on little A glacier not in, see attached photo
Thanks Jeff for the great update.
Thanks for the post Jeff. I went skiing up the Icefields Parkway last weekend (Helen Shoulder) and was curious if the ice was coming in. Ski conditions were pretty good on wind loaded pockets. Stability seems to be pretty good at the moment. The base was pretty minimal at the car (30 cm?) , but there is a strong freeze crust that is currently supportive and will likely facet out as the ice forms.
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