Surprise Pass or Alternate – Dec.4

Surprise Pass or Alternate – Dec.4
December 12, 2016 Tyler Hallman

The BITS team of split-boarders braved the cold on Saturday and were rewarded with great turns in the sunshine.  Luckily mother nature smiled on us and gave us a brief respite from the cold – amazingly it was only -13C.

Ryan imparting some knowledge

Ryan imparting some knowledge

Looking south along Highway 93

Looking south along Highway 93

Touring up through the burn

Touring up through the burn


Using the Avaluator to select our ski line

Using the Avaluator to select our ski line

Monica contemplating the frigid temperatures - "this isn't like Whistler..."

Monica contemplating the frigid temperatures – “this isn’t like Whistler…”

Dolomite Peak

Dolomite Peak


Monica and Mary contemplating what they have got themselves into, and deciding maybe its not so bad...

Monica and Mary contemplating what they have got themselves into, and deciding maybe its not so bad…

I am the (un-elected) Ski Chair for the Calgary section. I have been backcountry skiing and splitboarding for ~10 years, 100 - 150 days total. I have taken AST 1, 2, Av. Risk Management and Operations 1, TNF Winter, and Ski Mountaineering courses. I like to ski new places and have some adventure. See you in the hills...


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