Lisa Hunka and AnneDrew Potter organized us a great Women’s Climbing Extravaganza in the Kootenay last w.end. We camped close to Cranbrook and climbed at the Perry Creek, Jimmy Cliff and Lumberton crags.. and swam in the lake nearby, the cherry on the cake in this heat 🙂
We each got a lot of climbing, mock-leading and leading in, sport and trad. AnneDrew, our rope gun, mentor and “climbing mother”, kept some of us on track by reminding us of the task at hand and encouraging us to push our limits.. which we did and in a fully supportive, non-competitive atmosphere, it was great! Lots of jokes, laughs and encouraging words resonated at these crags for a few days.
The 1st crag we climbed at, Perry Creek, was not easily found – we have a GPS waypoint if you need – and it had not been visited in a while so required quite a bit of cleaning as it was very but like VERY dirty! That 1st night a few ladies went to the local store to buy brushes so they’d be prepared for the next few days. We didn’t end up using them which was a good thing but had them ready just in case.
Here are some of Lisa’s pictures: https://www.irista.com/gallery/2w0rvbhawi8i#/
Come with us next time! 🙂
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