We want to hear from you!

We want to hear from you!
November 24, 2017 Nathalie Drotar

We are looking for a new venue for our monthly social meetings and want to hear from you ACC members and your families!

We are specifically looking for a venue with the following criterias:

  • Central location and/or with c-train or bus access
  • has Parking
  • is in a Safe area
  • has a Kitchen(ette) for beverages and/or food or a cafeteria, restaurant
  • allows Alcohol
  • has a Private room for undisturbed presentations

If you have an idea of where could be a possible venue, fire it off to Paul Dormaar: pdormaar@gmail.com, Clare Ormerod: clareormerod@hotmail.co.uk and/or me Nathalie Drotar: natthegnat1411@gmail.com with title “Montly Social Venue”, thank you!!


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