The Calgary Section provides certain gear to help facilitate trips. The gear provided is typically group gear that is shared among members (ropes) or has economies of scale (satellite phone). The club does not rent individual outdoor gear. The MEC and the Calgary Outdoor Center (U of C) both offer a full range of rental outdoor gear at very reasonable cost.
So, what gear does the section have that you can use and how do you go about it?
There is an in depth page on the website (https://www.acccalgary.ca/gear/), please ensure you read through all the information detailed against each item – as there are certain responsibilities you have when using the kit.
But in summary – see below:
You need to be:
• An ACC Calgary Section Trip Leader in good standing
• Using the equipment for a club trip posted on the ACC Calgary Section event schedule (no personal rentals)
You need to:
• Return the equipment in the state you received it. Clean, dry, ropes coiled etc etc
• Ensure you report any fault/damage in/to the equipment.
What equipment is there?:
• One Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro satellite phone + also Motorola GMRS/FRS radios
• Ropes
• 5m Sling Fin Dome Tent
• Canvas tent – old school canvas tent (with vent for a stove) + wood burner. This tent has enough space to comfortably sit 6 people. (dimensions + weight of tent to follow)
• 2 x burner Coleman Stoves, tables, lanterns.
Who do I Contact?:
Sat phone + Radios: librarian@acccalgary.ca
Ropes: ropes@acccalgary.ca
Dome tent + other equipment: section.equipment@acccalgary.ca
Priority Trips:
In the event that multiple groups wish to borrow the sat phone for the same period, the following guidelines will be followed:
Annual club trips (section camp, ice review etc) get first priority
Remote, multi-day trips take precedence over single day/less remote trips
Decision of the Section librarian is final
Article by Clare Ormerod.
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