Monthly Social – Tuesday April 24, 2018

Monthly Social – Tuesday April 24, 2018
April 9, 2018 Nathalie Drotar

That night will be the ACC Calgary Section Annual General Meeting with an opportunity to elect the new officers to represent your club. More details closer to the time as to what positions are up for election + also how you can vote online.

Once the AGM business is concluded there will be a presentation by Barry Blanchard!

The Mountain, An Arrow Pointing Up: Barry Blanchard, one of Canada’s foremost alpinists, will tell why he’s dedicated his entire adult life to finding the perfect new route up the perfect mountain. Showing images from climbing adventures to the Canadian Rockies, European Alps, Pakistani Karakorum and Greater Himalaya, including Everest and K2, Barry will illustrate the ways mountains engage and inspire us and how climbing soothes the soul.

Barry will also touch on his career as a Mountain Guide and his involvement in making the Hollywood movies: K2, Cliffhanger and Vertical Limit.


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