BITS w.end March 16-17

BITS w.end March 16-17
February 10, 2019 Nathalie Drotar
Your ACC Ski Chair is looking for volunteers!
Kate Snedeker has posted a BITS weekend March 16 and 17.  She is looking for 3 – 6 trip leaders to post trips that weekend for the BITS participants, depending on how may people sign up for the weekend.  Leaders will get complementary lodging at the hostel if they are posting trips both days.
We have many people interested in BITS, this year I think we had 35 people try to sign up for BITS events this year.  If you are able to lead a BITS trip or two that weekend please contact Kate at  
For those that aren’t familiar, BITS is Backcountry Introduction to Skiing.  Leading a BITS trip is similar to any trip, except most of your people are new to backcountry skiing, usually 1 -10 days experience.  Usually the trips are to easy(ish) locations, but that depends on if you screen for downhill ability/fitness.  Of course, any tips and learnings you can pass on to them are always appreciated, but the participants are usually just stoked to get out.  Super big thank you to those who are able to help out with the BITS weekend!
Cheers, Tyler Hallman 
ACC Ski Chair


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