The OAC Art Show is back, and better than ever…. We’ll be having a new guest speaker, new videos, and new artwork! This event is a fundraiser for Mount Royal University’s outdoor club and we invite all ACC members to attend, as well as to submit their art and photography for sale at the event!
As you may or may not know.. all Mount Royal University outdoor club’s members are also ACC Calgary members!
So come on down to Mount Royal University on December 7 at 7pm and get immersed in the creative work of local artists and outdoor enthusiasts!
The evening will consist of a gallery & silent auction featuring work from many local artists, as well as a very special presentation from guest speaker Christian Stenner! Christian will be presenting on incredible caving expeditions he’s been on around the world, including the deadly ice caves on the summit of Mount Rainier.
There will be drinks and food available to be ordered throughout the evening.
Tickets are $10.00. To buy your ticket click HERE
Submit samples of your art and photography by December 1st to outdooradventuremru@gmail.com
See our facebook event for more information HERE
See our facebook event for more information HERE
*We are still taking submissions for art, so if you want a chance to showcase your work email a photo & description to outdooradventuremru@gmail.com

About our guest speaker, Christian Stenner:
Glaciers. Mountains. Volcanoes. Caves. Extreme microorganisms. An ice climbing robot. Find out how these things all tied together during explorations of caves carved through glacial ice by volcanic gas & steam. See the remote cave in the subarctic which may be a last stand for at populations in North America. Hear the story of the ongoing exploration of the deepest cave in Canada. And, how these frontiers of exploration are contributing to medical research and helping guide the search for life on other planets.
Christian Stenner has been a cave explorer for fifteen years and during that time has contributed to exploration projects including the Bisaro Caves project and the exploration of the world’s largest network of volcanic steam caves. He is a Fellow of the Explorer’s Club, the society dedicated to human exploration of land, sea, air, and space, and recently was elected to the College of Fellows of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society.
Parking is available at Mount Royal University West Gate entrance. (https://goo.gl/maps/6NyNc3Pinrp) The event is inside the Wyckham House building (large class building to the left of the West Gate)
MRU parking information can be found HERE
Your Mount Royal OAC Reps,
Logan Grasby and Ben Pearman

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