
  • Have Your Say on the Alberta Parks Castle Provincial Park Management Plan Before March 20th!

    Now is your time to have a say in the Castle Provincial Park and Castle Wildland Provincial Park Management Plan!…

  • Friends of Kananaskis – Speaker Series – Conservation Officers: Guardians of Alberta Parks

    On February 28th from 7-8 pm join Friends of Kananaskis for their Speaker Series. The event will be held at…

  • ACC Monthly Social: Tues April 18 – AGM + Gerry Drotar’s new routes

    The ACC Calgary Section Annual General Meeting. There will be an opportunity to elect the new officers to represent your…

  • Charlie Russell – Living Among the Grizzlies

    This is an article in support of a fund-raiser for the Great Divide Trail:  Charlie Russell finally getting officialdom’s attention…

  • Backcountry Skiing and Hip Flexor – by Joel Desgreniers

    Hip flexor pain is a common affliction among backcountry skiers, from simple soreness to debilitating pain. “Push through it, it…

  • Banff National Park is recruiting more volunteers

    This is a special year to be a part of stewardship in Banff National Park, as we celebrate Canada’s 150th…

  • The AMP or Alpine Mentorship Program

    You must have seen a few AMP courses posted on the calendar lately…did you know what AMP stands for and what…

  • How to.. build a rescue sled from skis!

    Check out these videos : Pretty slick system as it’s using what you have with you when going ski touring:…

  • 10 Commandments of Safe Travel – Staying Alive in Avalanche Terrain, Bruce Temper (page 222-232)

    1st Commandment: Thou Shalt Go One at a Time – and Leave Someone in a Safe Spot to Do the…

  • Monthly Meeting and Presentation! February 21st.

    By Terra3 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Chic Scott: Fantasy and Reality, Filming the Eiger Sanction! Chic Scott…
