Adjusting Heel Spacing on Tech Bindings

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  • August 31, 2016 at 11:02 #13901

    Since this horrid season is almost over and ski season is practically here (let me dream), I’m sure you’re all digging your skis out and getting ready for the new season. New boots, new gear, tune-ups, whatever the case, you’re probably spinning screw drivers and adjusting stuff.

    Heel spacing on tech bindings is critically important. If the gap between the heel tower and the boot is too small, your binding may not release. If it’s too big, you might release unexpectedly.

    At various points, Dynafit has called for 0, 4, 5.5 and 6mm of spacing depending on model. Why did they do this? To make sure everything was as confusing as possible. Or something. I’m not sure what drove the rationale, but it’s crucial for your knees and general safety that the spacing of your heel tower is correct, so Mr. Lou Dawson over at WildSnow keeps a running document in which he explains the different spacing required for different tech bindings and he just updated it for 2016 to account for G3 Ions and the new Dynafit Radical 2.0 heel piece.

    This info can actually be really tough to find online when it’s the night before a trip and you just realized you haven’t gotten around to adjusting things and Lou offers some really handy tips (like 3 nickels is roughly the right gap for Radical 1.0 heel pieces for those parking lot adjustments) so I thought I’d post it here.

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