On dealing with irritable grouse

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  • May 12, 2016 at 22:44 #13039

    Okay, so as I mentioned in my TR about Soft Moth, Hoka Hey, Aftonroe, Sunshine Slabs – we got attacked by a murderous grouse and ended up in a running battle for our very lives.

    Because I find these things hilarious, I emailed Parks Canada to ask what the correct way to handle a pissed off grouse is.

    Their response is slightly hilarious.

    Hi Phil,

    Male grouse become VERY territorial and defensive during the spring mating
    season, The best response is simply to back away and give him as much space
    as possible, adjusting your recreational plans if necessary. Both BNP, and
    Kananaskis have had to institute short-term trail closures in some areas to
    deal with particularly persistent problems. Sadly, outside of protected
    areas, these grouse are often killed by people not realizing why they are
    behaving aggressively.

    Thanks for giving him the space he needs!

    Cheers, Steve

    So basically, ‘yea, they’re bastards, try not to kill ’em’.


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Webmaster.
    May 13, 2016 at 16:23 #13075

    So the Terminator-Angry-Bird was really just a Dude-Bro out looking to score and thought we were crimping his style? Yikes!

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