Participants: Sheena Lambert, Paul OBK, Reade Wolansky, Heather Yoo, Katherine Valentine, Nicole Morter, Phil Tomlinson.
Rogers Pass Motel Mayhem 6.
Get a shiver up your spine?
For those that don’t know, the Rogers Pass Motel Mayhem series of trips specialize in one thing: Shredding the GNAR and eat food. Guess that’s two things. The format is simple, we head out to Golden Friday night, have a beer, ski all day on Saturday, eat a huge meal, ski all day Sunday and then head home.
The big thing with Motel Mayhem though, is that we ALWAYS go, we ALWAYS find good skiing and we ALWAYS eat good food. When everyone else is bleating about there not being any good snow, we just go farther, higher and Norther until we find a stash.
This was the first Motel Mayhem for this season and it brought us back to our winter home away from home, the Dreamcatcher Hostel in Golden, BC. We walked through the front doors and were immediately greated by Gerald and Abi, the owners. These two are awesome, they greeted us warmly, told us that seeing us was proof the ski season has arrived and then showed us our rooms. After dropping off our bags, we met in the common room and started strategizing, pouring of Doug Sproul’s awesome guide book and map.
Being the first trip of the season, we decided to start off by skiing Cheops – we’d tour up through the trees and then ski one of the more open lines back into Connaught Creek.
So Saturday morning, after loading up on free coffee at the hostel, we did that. The tour up through the trees was super nice, despite being early season, stuff was filling in nicely. At the top of our line, the snow was awesome. In classic Cheops style, it stayed awesome, but got into some pretty steep and tight trees that had us picking our way down, but still stoked.
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A second lap brought us to the Hourglass – as Doug says, it’s not the best line in the park, but in it’s almost completely untracked state, it was pretty darn good and had enough micro-terrain to keep things super playful.
Back at the hostel, we found Katherine’s slow cooker, full of chilli that had been simmering all day. No waiting, no fuss, just dinner. Katherine had also done a liquor store run so we had plenty of super interesting craft beers to go with the food. Sitting there, eating food, being stoked and playing with the resident dogs, life felt pretty damn good.
Sunday morning we decided to go to one of my favourite ‘easy access’ spots – Teddy Bear trees. Almost all of us took turns breaking trail through the knee deep powder and we then crushed a couple of nice, long 500m laps.
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With the mid-winter sun vanishing way too quickly, we loaded up the cars and headed home.
Good snow, good people, good food, good weekend. Just another Motel Mayhem.
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