Women Only Ski w.end – Dec.15-18, 2016

Women Only Ski w.end – Dec.15-18, 2016
January 4, 2017 Nathalie Drotar

Finally some pictures of Women Only Ski trip to the Smiley Wolf cabin in Golden and the good times we had despite the freezing temperatures! 

On our way to Balu Pass

On our way to Balu Pass

Keeners through the beautiful scenery

Keeners through the beautiful scenery

Carmen and Danika arriving at Balu Pass

Carmen and Danika arriving at Balu Pass

Tamara trying to get a ray of sunshine.. to get warm?

Tamara trying to get a ray of sunshine.. to get warm?

Look who we bumped into on the way out! Pat the Ptarmigan!

Look who we bumped into on the way out! Pat the Ptarmigan!

DAY #2

Morning decision making when it will be "feeling like" -32oC at the pass..

Morning decision making when it will be “feeling like” -32oC at the pass..

To ski or to stretch that is the question! or maybe to yoga!?

To ski or to stretch that is the question! or maybe to yoga!?

Tamara's morning decision.. helps instructing yoga ;-)

Tamara’s morning decision.. helps instructing yoga 😉

We ended up spending Day 2, doing yoga at the local studio for some, at the cabin for others, reading by the fire or napping then shopping in Golden and visiting their Christmas market featuring many local artists and artisans, we had a lot of fun! (and spent a lot of money.. oops! 😉 )

Our annual success: Raclette! Suzie, Tamara and Danika all smiles

Our annual success: Raclette! Suzie, Tamara and Danika all smiles

Back at Lagan's after a few hours braving the cold by Lake O'Hara road!

Back at Lagan’s after a few hours braving the cold by Lake O’Hara road!

Always great to be able to gather a group of females keen ski-tourers early season.. and keeners as in “who don’t mind enduring -20 oC temperatures skinning uphill”..yes these gals were tough! and yet gracious to accept back-up plans as well 🙂  Thanks again for the awesome time, til next year!


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