Your Section is looking for a Volunteer!

Your Section is looking for a Volunteer!
December 15, 2018 Nathalie Drotar

Your Breeze Editor has been volunteering for close to 2 years now and it’s time for retirement! **

So if you are passionate about the outdoor and the mountain world in particular, love communication as a way to express yourself or pass on a message to and for others and are looking at giving back and practicing communication, this volunteer position is For You!!

Of course, I will be take the time to sit down with you and give you all my tips and tricks.. you won’t need to start from scratch!

One thing though.. make sure you step in this position committed for at least 1-2 years, our ACC Community, our many Committees and Trip Leaders depend on you.



** yes it comes up early in the volunteer world 😉  Of note, I will still be active with the Calgary Section, just not as Editor.. 


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