ACC BITS Trip Saturday Jan.5

ACC BITS Trip Saturday Jan.5
January 10, 2019 Nathalie Drotar

A few of us found a safe area to get a great tour and 2-3 turns in, by blue skies and amazing views last w.end. We skinned from the Rummel area to the Chester area.. the best part was skinning along the beautiful small valley linking the two areas.


Note there was a high avi foreacast and everyone who had never heard nor felt a WHUMPF can now say they have as we got the chance to hear/feel at least 3 of them.. Be careful out there everyone! 

This girl’s first outing with the ACC.. you should have seen her smile, I could see it almost from behind her! 🙂 

I love making people happy!

Your Breeze Editor and Ski trip leader


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