ACC Calgary Social – Tuesday Jan.15

ACC Calgary Social – Tuesday Jan.15
January 10, 2019 Nathalie Drotar

Denali – West Buttress

Do you want to see spectacular images of climbing Denali and learn some practical tips of how you could climb it yourself?

Lida Frydrychova, ACC Calgary Alpine Chair and a top trip leader for the last two years will share with you some practical tips, short videos and beautiful photos of her 2017 climb to the summit of Denali, the highest mountain in North America. Come and ask questions about expedition style climbing, logistics and training.

Everyone is welcome to attend this event!!

It will be held on January 15th at 7:30 at the Kensington Legion, second floor, 1918 Kensington Road NW.  If planning on ordering food or beverages please come early.

From your Social Chair: Lesley and Chuck Young


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