This website is built using WordPress, software originally designed as a blog before it morphed into one of the most popular website development packages. This is not a coincidence as articles and trip reports are one of the best ways to exchange ideas and share stories which help to build community and a strong club. This website was created in part to provide an easy and attractive way to post trip reports, how to articles, trip management articles, access and environment issues, GPS tracks, discussions, photos, etc.
Nothing substitutes for the stories and information shared by and with people we know, partly because we can then track them down and talk to them about their adventures. We strongly encourage anyone to contribute to the ACC Calgary Section and we hope you find this website as useful as other people would find your contributions.
To post an article or blog, first log-in and navigate to the Dashboard link located in the top, left hand corner of any page.
Then navigate to the Post => New Post menu in the Dashboard menu
Your page should now look like below:
Now create a trip report. Make sure to give it:
- A descriptive title (green)
- Content (blue): The webpage allows tracks through WP GPX Maps and photos through Nextgen Gallery (it is the green square in the dashboard and editor menus). Your post can be as simple or as complicated as you would like. The Swiftpage Builder button (pink) will allow you to fully customize your post with many built in functions. I wrote this page using the standard editor.
- A category (red) of some type. You may give it more than 1 category
- Add a thumbnail (grey)
- Set a featured image (beige). It is not recommended to set a featured image if you have embedded images into the article.
- Make sure to save your draft often (orange). You may publish your page whenever you feel ready. As soon as post is published, a notification will be sent to subscribers through an RSS feed and a link will automatically be included in the Breeze.
Thank you for posting!
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