I still often see people knocking around in the mountains, cliffs, bush, and boulders with bare hands where they…
Laval St. Germain-Everest to Ocean: Tales from Above the Clouds and Beyond the Horizon Laval is a Calgary dad, husband,…
A False Pillar is a ‘pillar feature’ that seems to be standing on terra firma but is actually on an…
Pulleys and Knots for Hauling A pulley or two can be very handy for a vehicle extraction if anchors…
Wolverines are elusive creatures. That’s why Wolverine Watch – a citizen science initiative – needs your help collecting data to…
Your ACC Board has agreed to have an ACC Section Forum group created on Facebook! The purpose of this forum…
Call for Donations of Knot-Testing Items Al Dunham of Campbell River, a previous Section member and keen climber, is…
I’ve heard of a few people from time to time who considered putting up some kind of tower at their…
Tech Tips in 4-Wheeling Part 1: Lines and Devices for Hauling Well we’re well in to winter again and I’ve…
CPAWS is hosting an Outdoor Recreation Event on February 12 @ 530 @ Last Best Brewing. ACC Calgary Section, along…