Gap Peak Scrambling Incident January 26, 2019 Ealaine West and I decided to take advantage of the unusually warm January…
It’s tempting. You’re mid-pitch, wanting to save time and energy, and eyeing that nicely bored-out hole located conveniently at your… can apply for a DUPLICATE of your Family/Group Parks Canada Discover Pass for $15.02 only?!? Conditions: the applicant must…
The Bugaboos : An Alpine History by J. F. Gardin Not your typical coffee table book. This large format…
.. Parody Trailer HERE
The Government of Alberta is proposing Bighorn Country as a way to strengthen the existing management of the area. The…
This Friday, Jan 11 2019 At the Plaza Theatre in Kensington ACC members and friends are cordially invited to the…
The death of a climber soloing Cascade Falls at Christmas, 2018 was a tragedy for himself and his family, but…
Now that we’re in to winter, a few months of damp and cold are here, and I know it’s a…
Get ready to sort through your best pictures from the last year or two to submit them for our annual…